Having recently attended the Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago, I spent some time this morning reviewing my notes and ahem… “taste testing” some leftover samples from the show. As a proud connoisseur of all kinds of candy, it’s always a fun show to attend and I’m always excited to see what trends are emergingRead more
A hundred years ago, over 70% of U.S. citizens did not have indoor plumbing, less than 15% of students graduated from high school much less college and the average U.S. household netted less than $800 annually.Read more
It’s that time again. Another week has passed, and another controversy has set Twitter ablaze and resulted in a pile-on of insults, memes, and general outrage. At the crosshairs this time? Pepsi, and the brand’s unfortunate (yet incredibly successful and rich) new spokesperson, Kendall Jenner. If you haven’t heardRead more
Stroll a few aisles of the supermarket and you’ll witness a barrage of new CPG products introduced just in the past year. Walk trade shows like Fancy Foods and The Natural Products Expo and your head is sure to spin with an overwhelming volume of new brands hoping to become the next standout.Read more
In today’s world, where search is often the first step to a consumer’s online experience, the data and insights that brands and marketers can glean from that step is valuable.Read more
There’s a misconception that a digital presence for a CPG grocery product is not as important as one would be for an e-commerce brand or digital brand or service brand. This is simply not true and below I’ll give you four reasons why it’s absolutely necessary.Read more
“Story” and “storytelling” have been tossed around in marketing circles so long now that they’ve become too-easily accessed buzzwords used to add pseudo-intellectual sparkle to just about any marketing conversation. Concentric uses something called a brand story to help clients articulate their core attributes in an authentic tone of voice. It’s actually part of our strategic process doneRead more
If you could sit with a few of your customers and chat over coffee, what would you hope to get out of that conversation? Would you survey them for their income, zip code, number of kids and leave it at that? Or would you take the opportunity to get to know them more deeply? You’d doRead more